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Color Copter

Personal Project

Jan - May 2018

Motivated partially by the previous Quadcopter SSE project, I wanted to build a high performance quadcopter as a platform for future research interests. With funding from a Harvey Mudd grant, I built a quadcopter (with off-the-shelf pieces) for autonomous flight. 

The quadcopter is equipped with the Navio2 flight controller sitting on a Raspberry Pi 3. There is a VN100 IMU onboard, as well as a Drotek RTK GPS. It has a 500 mm frame, and KDE motors that provide ~6.4 kg of thrust.

The ultimate goal was to use the quadcopter to "paint" images in the sky with an RGB LED and long exposure photography (similar to the uPainter). However I did not have enough time to complete the product, but was able to setup the hardware and software to be passed down to another curious Mudd roboticist.

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